17 July :: Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California


28 July :: Center Stage Theater, Santa Barbara, California

5 January :: Norges musikkhøgskole, Levinsalen, Oslo

4 January :: Norsk Taiji Senter, Oslo, Norway
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)


18 December :: in collaboration with Ysabel de Maisonneuve, studio, Paris

7 September :: Norges musikkhøgskole, Levinsalen, Oslo

23 April :: Ftarri, Tokyo

9 January :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo


11, 12 October :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

20 October :: Norges musikkhøgskole, Levinsalen, Oslo

26 June :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

6, 7 February :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

13 February :: Norges musikkhøgskole, Levinsalen, Oslo

16 February :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo


17 December :: TENPU, Shizuoka, Japan

21 December :: AIREGIN, Yokohama, Japan

24 December :: Studio GINGA, Chiba, Japan

13 November :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo

14 November :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

15 November :: Sandvoldsalen NMH, Oslo
with Bente Amundsen (live painting)

18 August :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo

21-22 August :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

22 May :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

23 May :: Aquarius Studie Senter, Drammen, Norway
Trio with Silje Kvalheim (dance)

24 May :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo
Trio with Magnus Sefaniassen Eide (drums)

19 March :: Aquarius Studie Senter, Drammen, Norway
trio with Silje Kvalheim (dance)

23 March :: Emanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo
Meditation Concert, Voice of Nature trio with Bjørn Løken (gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids)

26 March :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo
Trio with Magnus Sefaniassen Eide (drums)


19 November :: Hurdal Økolandsby, Norway
Trio with Magnus Sefaniassen Eide (drums)

25 November :: Small Project, Tromsø, Norway
Trio with Magnus Sefaniassen Eide (drums)

26 November :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo
Trio with Magnus Sefaniassen Eide (drums)

22 September :: Majorstuen kirke, Oslo
Trio with Magnus Sefaniassen Eide (drums)